Friday, March 4, 2022

How To Use Social Media To Promote Your Freelance Business


Social media can help you gain exposure and get traffic to any website. You can also send social media traffic to your listings on sites like Fivver, Legiit, or many other freelance sites.

Social Media Marketing is about getting the message out about what you do, but engaging with your ideal customers. Sharing success stories with clients, samples of your work, or if you are a subject matter expert, answering questions and providing free videos and training may help you grow your online freelance business.

Have a Long-term Approach

Social Media can be a great way for freelancers to get more work. But it takes time to see results. This article suggests you need to put in some time before seeing any results.

Freelancing is a great career choice if you want to make money fast. You need to be persistent and patient when looking for clients.

Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. You will need to invest some amount of time into social media platforms before you start seeing results.

Social media can be a great tool for growing your business. However, it can also be a huge time sink if you aren't careful. I recommend scheduling time for social media, as well as sticking to the scheduled times. This helps ensure that you're actively working to grow your presence while avoiding wasting too much time on it!

Social media can be an effective tool when used properly. However, if you spend too much time on it, it could take away from your productivity. You should dedicate about 20-30 minutes each day to social media.

Building a strong social media presence takes time and effort. You need to work hard every day to get your content out there and engage with people.

Present a Consistent Image

Most social media platforms allow users to create a profile, add an image, and customize their profile pages. This means that if you want your brand to be consistent across all social media platforms, make sure that you have a consistent profile picture.

You should use the same username across all social media platforms. This will help you to be recognized by other users when you log into different accounts. Also, use the same profile picture on every platform. Your profile picture should represent who you are as an individual. Use a photo that represents you well and make sure it looks good on every platform.

Also, either create, or pay someone to create a logo for your business that includes your freelance profile name and relates to the primary service you provide. At the same time you are creating your logo, choose 2 brand colors to use in your online marketing. You want your graphics and web promotions to look similar and to have the same coloring so they are recognized by future customers the more they are seen online.

Contribute to the Community

Social networking is a great tool for marketing and promoting your product. You should post links to your website and other useful resources. Helping others and being a part of the community is what makes social networking successful.

Social networking sites should be used by the community. Marketers should try to interact with the community and give back much more than they take.

If you are a graphic artist join groups on Facebook or other platforms that would contain your ideal customers. Then participate in the community. Do not spam your services, but instead offer helpful comments and thoughts. Just make sure your Facebook profile is optimized to convert visitors into new sales.

This way when people find your comments helpful and check out your profile it can do the selling for you. This prevents you from seeming desperate for work and unprofessional. Never spam, always try to help others and add value.

This one step alone will get you some real sales over time.

Specials or Promos

Social media marketing is a great way to increase your business. Promos and giveaways are two ways to do this. A free logo design is a great prize! It is also a nice way to get some samples for your listings of real work.

Giveaways are great ways to get more traffic to your website. You should try to use them as often as possible. You can also use them to grow your email list. At the end of the day, you want to give something away to people who haven't already bought from you.

Paying for Ads

Social media is a great place to find clients. You can use them for free, but if you want more exposure, you can pay to advertise. Freelance writers should start out by using social media for free, then slowly begin spending money to promote themselves.

Facebook and Pinterest both offer high-paying ad campaigns. You should start by testing them out on a small scale before investing money into them. Be sure to track the results of each campaign to make sure you're getting the most bang for your buck.

What you want to track is your cost per click on each ad, then your conversion percentage. When I run ads for clients on Pinterest, I run the ad as an infographic that links to their chosen web page or site. Then I track the CPC (cost per click). A successful ad may get visits to a website for 10 cents a visit. The lower the number, the better for CPC.

That is, if that traffic converts. A good conversion rate is anything above 4%. If 4% or more of your website visitors from an ad purchase your service, you have an effective ad and good sales page running.

The only other thing to consider is how much you are paying for the traffic.

If I offer a $100 service and $50 of that service is profit. I can easily afford to pay $20 or more in ads for each sale to grow my business faster. You just need to find out those numbers for your own freelance business and put them to work.

Never spend more on ads in a day than you can make from a successful sale of your service. If selling your service can earn you $50, then do not spend more than $50 a day promoting your service.

You also should start testing ads at a much lower rate in the beginning. On Pinterest, you can run ads successfully at just $10 a day, on Facebook it may take $20 a day. Just never put more money into ads than you are getting out of your business. If this means you offer lower prices for your services to start, then so be it. What we want here is for your freelance business to be profitable, not to make money for Facebook or other Social Media Platforms.

At the end of the day, when done right, you can get a ton of business for free on social media without spending money on advertising. Ads just help you grow faster. 

IE: If you are making $25,000 a year, part time ads might help you double that success in a few months and grow your business faster. Ads are not making it or breaking it. Only use ads to grow faster, not to build entirely from the ground up.